Contact: Fiona Chin
Mobile Phone: +6010 792 9888
Date: May 7th, 2019

Sirim Berhad invited inventors both young and old from around the world to participate in The Sirim Invention, Innovation & Technology Expo (SI2TE) 2019 which happened on 16-18 April 2019. The event saw inventors from as young as 10, participating and sharing their own solutions to the problems that they were facing.

Some of the key areas of the friendly competition included advanced materials, environmental & renewable energy, automotive, chemicals & industrial design. The judges looked at the novelty of the idea, the ability to commercialise the invention, advantages and applicability of the invention to real world uses and environmental impact.

IGL Coatings shared their idea for a self-cleaning hydrophilic coating for the solar panel industry at SI2TE which would address some of the issues faced by the solar panel industry.

Solar energy uses solar photovoltaics panels to harvest light, converting it into electricity. As demand for solar panel increases however solar panels have had the set back of reduced efficiency due to dust/dirt accumulating on the panels. IGL Coatings proposed that the hydrophilic coatings will break down the organic dirt and pollutants which will be easily removed (washed away) with water. The team at IGL Coatings was awarded silver medal for their innovative invention.

The highlight of the SI2TE event for the IGL team was the opportunity to interact, demonstrate and share the benefits of eco-friendly inventive technology with the young and budding inventors of the future.

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of Low & Zero VOC High Solids Coatings