2020 has been a challenging year. The coronavirus has ravaged the global economy and small businesses have not been spared. What can you do as a small business owner to navigate these challenging times?

Here are some practical tips for detailers and small business owners during the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Prepare a Business Continuity Plan

What is a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)? A BCP is a plan that outlines processes to help you discover, and prepare against, potential threats to your business. The plan helps to ensure that your business is protected and will be able to recover quickly in the event of a disaster. Read more here.

2. Activate e-Wallets & Other Contactless Payment Methods

Coins and banknotes carry huge amounts of harmful bacteria. Now is the perfect time to offer contactless payment options such as e-wallets & online transfers that reduce the need for physical touch. Go cashless & contactless and make it a preference with your customers!

3. Promote Personal Hygiene

Staff & customers will need to have access to items that promote hygiene such as soap and water, or hand sanitizers. Place hand sanitizers at commonly used areas. This not only helps lower the risk of infection but also provides peace of mind to your staff and customers.

4. Frequent Disinfection of Areas and Surfaces

Surface hygiene is important to avoid contamination. Hourly wipe downs are a must on frequently used areas such as doorknobs, tabletops, countertops, and toilets. Make sure to use a surface sanitizer that contains the required concentration of alcohol.

Note: This product is not available for sale in North America

5. Recommend Take-Home Cleaning Products to Customers

Making cleaning and disinfection products available to customers to use at home can be a new revenue stream for detailers and auto businesses.

Note: This product is not available for sale in North America

6. Level Up Branding & Social Media Game

Now is the perfect time to create brand awareness through social media channels. As a local business owner, you are at the heart of your community and you need to use your voice to engage with your customers and build your brand.  Some suggestions for Social Media posts can be:

  • thank your loyal customers who used your services recently for their support.
  • pictures and videos or your recent work, letting your followers/potential customers know that business is still ongoing
  • COVID-19 dos and don’ts
  • inspirational tips and quotes
  • promote the products you love to use by doing reviews


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